
Digital Image Processing

发布时间:2022-01-19 浏览量:633

Project One: Image Enhancement in the Spatial and Frequency Domain

This Project counts 10% of the total score.

1. Histogram Equalization: Write a computer program for computing the histogram of an image. Implement the histogram equalization technique discussed in Section 3.3.1 on test image 3.8(a).

2. Image Sharpening Using the Laplacian: Write a program to perform spatial filtering of an image. You can fix the size of the spatial mask at 3 x 3, but the coefficients need to be variables that can be input into your program. Use this program to implement the Laplacian enhancement technique described in connection with Eq. (3.6-7) on test image 3.38(a) and duplicate the results in Fig. 3.38.

3. Filtering in the Frequency Domain: Implement the Ideal, Butterworth and Gaussian lowpass and highpass filters on test image 4.41(a) to duplicate the results in Fig. 4.42, 4.45, 4.48, 4.54, 4.55, 4.56.

4. You can finish this project independently or with at most one workmate, but we prefer the former and extra scores would be considered. Your report should at least include your experimental results, and the analysis of them.

5. We recommend you to choose Tex when writing, although Word is enough.

6. Submitting Requirements: source codes are required when you submit your report. The naming rules are: ‘Pro1_number_name’.


1. test_image1




username: xiongyuehan

password: public

Please put your report under directory upload\project_1.

2. Deadline: 5th April, 2016