
A: Current

  • Structured Learning based Signal Processing for Big Image and Video Data (2.9 million RMB) PI: Hongkai Xiong sponsored by China NSF No.61720106001    Role: PI    Date: 01/18 - 12/22
  • Research on Multimedia Communication (4 million RMB) PI: Hongkai Xiong sponsored by China NSF No.61425011    Role: PI    Date: 01/15 - 12/19
  • Research on Distributed Optimization on Mobile Video Delivery Network (2 million RMB) PI: Hongkai Xiong sponsored by China NSF No.61425011    Role: PI    Date: 01/16 - 12/19


B: Past

  • Multimedia Communication ($652,550) PI: Hongkai Xiong The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars No.61425011    Role: PI    Date: 01/01/15 - 12/31/18 Investigate an alternative to the generic Compressive Sensing (CS) framework, which assumes that signals lie on a union of data-driven subspaces (UoDS).
  • Structured Learning-based Representation and Coding of High-dimensional Vision ($24,470) PI: Hongkai Xiong “Shu Guang” project No. 13SG13    Role: PI    Date: 01/31/14- 12/31/16 Develop a structured probabilistic model learning for image and video coding.
  • Sparse Representation, Structured Processing, and Joint Coding of Multidimensional Visual Space ($418,643) PI: Hongkai Xiong NSF U1201255 Role: PI    Date: 01/01/13-12/31/16 Investigate the theoretical and practical performance by the statistical mapping between the atoms and samples through statistical learning and functional optimization, to benefit the promising interactive multimedia content dissemination.
  • Sparse Coding with Structured Set Learning towards Video Approximation: Theory and Algorithm ($122,364) PI: Hongkai Xiong NSF 61271218    Role: PI Date:01/01/13-12/31/16 With the asymmetric analysis-synthesis structure, it is dedicated to fulfilling sparse coding by structural set model and high-dimension correlation.
  • Optimal Collaborative Communication in Wireless Video Sensor Network ($32,201) PI: Dapeng Wu NSF 61228101    Role: co-PI    Date:01/01/13-12/31/14 Study the robust utility optimization of correlated sources, with the aid of learning-based routing and sparse sampling.
  • Semi-Automatic Video Segmentation and Tracking for Mobile Platform ($25,000) PI: Hongkai Xiong Agency: QualComm    Role: PI    Date:01/01/13-12/31/13 Separate semantically significant object in the video and track it on mobile platform.
  • Network-Based Video Processing: Theory and Application    ($322,010) PI: Hongkai Xiong NSF 60632040    Role: PI    Date: 12/31/07-12/31/10 Study the nework-oriented scalable and distributed video coding, and the uitility maximization with multi-rate mul-ticast and network coding.
  • On Multi-scale Generalized Decomposition and Synthesis of Asymmetrical Video Coding ($41,861) PI: Hongkai Xiong NSF 60772099    Role: PI Date:12/01/11-03/31/12 Study the dynamic decomposition of independent video source and joint reconstruction with partial information, and develop the flexible video coding scheme with texture synthesis.
  • Network-based distributed coding and transmission with reusable metadata of video signal ($120,754) PI: Hongkai Xiong Agency: 863 2006AA01Z322 Role: PI    Date:12/01/06-10/31/10 Develop a new video content dessimination model with network coding and distributed video coding.
  • Structured Learning-based Image and Video Coding and Communication ($32,201) PI: Tsuhan Chen NSF 60928003    Role: co-PI    Date:01/01/10-12/31/11 Investigate image and video coding by the structured learning and inference on texture pattern.
  • Learning-based Image and Video Sparse Coding ($80,503) PI: Hongkai Xiong NSF NCET-09-0554    Role: PI    Date:01/01/09-12/31/12 Develop image and video sparse coding algorithms by the structured set learning and dictionary learning.
  • Wavelet-based Scalable Video Coding ($8,050) PI: Hongkai Xiong Agency: Shanghai Science Foundation Role: PI    Date:10/01/04-12/31/06 Develop a wavelet-based scalable video coding scheme and relevant prediction algorithms.