
Fundamentals for Biomedical Signal and Image Processing

发布时间:2022-12-18 浏览量:1049

Course name:Fundamentals for Biomedical Signal and Image Processing

Course code: MS330-1

Time: 18:00~20.30 on Mon.

Credit/class hours: 3/48


Textbook and References

(1)Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Third Edition, by A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. 

(2)Digital Image Processing, by R.C. Gonzalez and R.E Woods, Fourth Edition, Publishing House of Electronic Industry, 2018
(3)Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, Second Edition, by Kayvan Najarian and Robert Splinter, CRC Press, 2012


Course Details

This is a fundamental course of describing biomedical signal and image processing. We expect to cover topics such as Fourier Transform, Sampling, Image Transform, Adaptive Filtering and Biomedical image analysis. Besides, we provide some case studies to help students understand better.



Week Date Lecture Topic Lecture and Quizzes
1 09/12 Course information
2 09/19


3 09/26

Signals and Systems

4 10/03

National Day Holiday - No Class

5 10/10

Stochastic Process

6 10/17

Stochastic Process

7 10/24

Estimation and Detection

8 10/31

Adaptive Filtering

9 11/7

Adaptive Filtering

10 11/14

Time-Frequency Analysis

11 11/21

Image Filtering and Image Enhancement

12 11/28

Image Restoration

13 12/05

Image Reconstruction


Requirements and Grading

Attendance: 10%

Homework: 30%

Projects: 20%

Final Examination : 40%


Contact (TA, Guanghao Zheng)