Tree-based Visualization and Optimization for Image Collection


Xintong Han, Chongyang Zhang, Weiyao Lin, Mingliang Xu, Bin Sheng, and Tao Mei


Department of Electronic Engineering,

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China






The visualization of an image collection is the process of displaying a collection of images on a screen under some specific layout requirements. This paper focuses on an important problem that is not well addressed by the previous methods: visualizing image collections into arbitrary layout shapes while arranging images according to user-defined semantic or visual correlations (e.g., color or object category). To this end, we first propose a property-based tree construction scheme to organize images of a collection into a tree structure according to user-defined properties. In this way, images can be adaptively placed with the desired semantic or visual correlations in the final visualization layout. Then, we design a two-step visualization optimization scheme to further optimize image layouts. As a result, multiple layout effects including layout shape and image overlap ratio can be effectively controlled to guarantee a satisfactory visualization. Finally, we also propose a tree-transfer scheme such that visualization layouts can be adaptively changed when users select different “images of interest”. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach through the comparisons with state-of-the-art visualization techniques.


Framework of the proposed approach


This figure illustrates the overview of our proposed approach. Our approach mainly includes four components. First, the “image tree construction” component is used to organize images into a tree structure such that user-desired visual or semantic correlation among images can be well embedded. After that, we need to project this tree into a visualization space to create a visualization layout. Since simple projection cannot effectively create arbitrary layout shapes or avoid image overlaps, our approach introduces two components to transfer a tree into a final visualization layout: first, projection methods are applied to project a tree to create an initial visualization layout (i.e., the “initial visualization” component) [5], [13]. Then, the “two-step optimization” componentfurther updates and optimizes the initial layout through the “global optimization” and “local adjustment” steps. Since projection methods can reflect correlations of a tree in the layout space while two-step optimization can effectively control layout effects, by combining these components, both the desired image correlations and the layout effects can be guaranteed in the final layout. Finally, if a user selects his/her image of interest, the “tree-transfer” component will transfer the tree structure accordingly. And this transferred tree will then go through the initial visualization and the two-step optimization components to achieve the updated layout.





Figure 1

Top: The image collage of a photo album for "Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck". Down: The image collage of fruit images grouped by different kinds of fruits. (a): The constructed image trees; (b): The visualization layouts by our approach; (c): The updated layouts by the tree transfer scheme when the solid circle images are selected as the image of interest; (d): The updated layouts by the tree transfer scheme when the dashed triangle images are selected as the image of interest.


Table Ⅰ

The average user score and confidence interval for different approaches.

This table shows the average user scores for different methods together with the 95% confidence interval [43]. Besides, it shows the Wilcoxon signed-rank test results [42] by comparing the user scores of our approach with each of the compared method. This indicates the existence of significant user-score differences between our approach and the compared methods.





The image collections used in this paper can be downloaded here:





If you find this paper or dataset helps your research, please cite our paper:

Xintong Xintong, Chongyang Zhang, Weiyao Lin, Mingliang Xu, Bin Sheng, and Tao Mei. "Tree-Based Visualization and Optimization for Image Collection." IEEE transactions on cybernetics , vol. 46, no. 6 (2016): 1286-1300.


  title={Tree-Based Visualization and Optimization for Image Collection},
  author={Han, Xintong and Zhang, Chongyang and Lin, Weiyao and Xu, Mingliang and Sheng, Bin and Mei, Tao},
  journal={IEEE transactions on cybernetics},






Institute of Media, Information, and Network (MIN Lab)
